Let me show you the projects I have been able to participate in and the way I have done it. Enjoy trying some of them and remember that all feedback is welcome!

Howl of Iron

Howl of Iron is a 3rd Person Action Adventure game blending HUNT & COMBATStalk on your unaware enemies, Fight in open combat and Explore the steampunk city of Steamfall.

It was designed and developed in Unreal 4.27

You can try it on Steam!



  • I was the level owner of the principal level of the game and design several features.

  • It took six months of development to make a main map and a final boss map that fulfilled the basic mechanics we were looking for and following clear design guidelines: Verticality, continous movement, landmarks among others

  • I developed a pacing to ensure that the encountrers followed the desired flow was adequate for the playing time we had available, using and evolving the enemies encounters too.

  • The part on which I have worked the longest, as level owner i did the blocking and greymesh of a tutorial city map, in which we can see landmarks, scalable buildings and two differents levels of playable heights , plus the wides streets for the fights. All the blocking have color code for the best understanding of what we were designing.

  • Also made several layouts of with versions of the city and others levels.


  • Work with the team to create a game where brutality and stalking go hand in hand, to create a very powerful werewolf hunting experience.

  • Work hard with programmers and artist to feel heavy but agile an mechanical werewolf, with climb and jump prototypes.

  • Balance between combat and strategy going into it, looking for strategic points so that all the dynamics of the game could be given according to the type of player.

  • Documentation and testing of several important mechanics like hunt mode, rage, fear and the use of the smokes on the map.


  • In addition to my work as a designer, I was the producer and organiser of the team, seeing which tasks were risky and trying to run the best possible organisation, designing the roadmap.

  • Breakdown of all the tasks to be developed for each important feature of the game (WBS), prioritizing the core of the game and leaving them cataloged by number for use in roadmap.

  • Organization of Jira sprints and subtasks, weekly personal and group updates and implementation of a tagging system for the project and for bug categorization.

  • Use of excels to organize art elements such as assets, VFX and external elements and categorization for tracking dates and possible risks

I was prepared

Zombies, Skeletons, Goblins, and other foul creatures are here to destroy your home village, but you were already counting on it. Construct Ballistic, Sonic and Death Ray turrets to actively take down your enemies. Wield your trusty Sword and confront their lines head-on. Surround the field with Damage and Speed turrets to increase your damage output.

This project was made in Unreal 5 by two Programmers and two Designers.

You can play the game in



  • Fork map design with turret layout for the use of both types for the benefit of the strategic player.

  • Pacing with encounter points for enemies with different lengths of paths to have different threats depending on the distribution of enemies.

  • Camera adjustment and boundary definition of the map to make feel it more

    dangerous with limited visibility.


  • Design of the game's turrets:

    • Ballistic = Active turret. Attacks one enemy at a time with fast, low damage projectiles.

    • Sonic = Active turret. Generates AoE damage in a cone. Medium damage.

    • Death Ray = Active turret. Creates a deadly beam that wipes out enemies

      in a straight line. High damage.

    • Damage = Passive turret. Increases Hero/Turrets damage.

    • Speed = Passive turret. Increases Hero/Turrets attack speed.

  • Design of the elements and weaknesses and strengths of each other. You can upgrade both your sword and turrets to take advantage of the powers of each element against enemies and the use of element passives in the turrets. Enemies also spawn with the elements so that a strategy can be generated around it.

    • Fire is strong against Ice . Weak against Plasma.

      • On Active turrets: Stacks, dealing damage over time.

    • Ice is strong against Plasma . Weak against Fire.

      • On Active turrets: Slows enemies down.

    • Plasma is strong against Fire . Weak against Ice .

      • On Active turrets: Heals the Hero when dealing damage.

    • If you can´t afford no one of this elements, you always

      have the Normal one.

  • Design of the different enemies and behaviours

  • Design of enemy and turret damage formulas and data tables

  • Use of aiming and application of vfx to the ballista tower and sonics


  • Ballista turret and sonic turret firing vfx design

  • Search for assets and adaptation of enemy, tower, player and sword.

  • UI concept design


  • Task-based project organisation

  • Organisation of weekly and development of task organisation






Hades card-fangame

Adaptation of the video game hack and slash in a card game, developing the mechanics and dynamics of the same, as well as the rules of the new adaptation.

It was for a university project and remember, it is a fan game!

You must go versus Hades and his troups, building the best deck that gods let you and try to run away from hell, fighting as always..


*text on the cards are in spanish


*text on the manual are in spanish

If you want to have a try talk to me and we can play it with real cards!


  • Design and develop the card playing field and the challenge rating of all the places of the underworld

  • Design the mechanics of all the cards ( Zagreo, Hades, underworld levels and bosses)

  • Balance zagreo deck and posibilities with the gods cards

  • Design manual and adapt the in real game money to game card money for building a better deck

Attack of the block

Run from the fire trying to eat all the brains that you can!

University solo project made with Unity


  • I designed the mechanics and dynamics of the game, based on surviving as long as possible by dodging the enemies that appear on the screen.

  • Design of interfaces, sound and the programming of the use of basic game objects.

  • 2D animations of the enemies and the main character.